
Saturday, 03 April 2021

In Memorial of Pogo

Rest in peace Pogo

For anyone that has been to Roscoe's Chili Challenge anytime in the years past, you know Pogo. Pogo has been the EMCEE of RCC for the last 30 years. His whit, personality, opinions and overall fun attitude has helped make RCC what it is today. He was a highly decorated veteran of the US Marine Corps, and we all enjoyed his military tributes during the Roscoe's Chili Challenge opening and closing ceremonies.

It is with a heavy heart that we must say goodbye to him. Gerald “Pogo” Pogue passed away at his home the morning of Saturday, April 3, 2021.  We at RCC will miss him and feel his absence at the future Roscoe’s Chili Challenge... Rest In Peace Brother.

Photos: Miserable George, Lockdown and others over the years.

Saturday, 03 April 2021